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World of Tanks: Progetto M35 mod 46 Marathon Coming Soon

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Are you tired of waiting for Italian tanks? Want to have your first Italian vehicle in your garage for free?


World of Tanks is turning seven years old this week and to celebrate Wargaming plans to release an in-game marathon where players from EU, NA and APAC regions will be able to get the brand new Italian Premium Tier VIII medium tank Progetto M35 mod 46 for free in their garages, by completing a set of 10 battle missions.

Progetto M35 mod 46 Pictures


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15,466 thoughts on “World of Tanks: Progetto M35 mod 46 Marathon Coming Soon

  1. Honestly? I didnt see THIS one coming. Tier VIII for new nation is awesome present even if it would be sub-par one.

  2. Me neither. Kinda would expect WG to cash on it. I really don’t know why they didn’t choose that new Cent as reward instead. I guess they got it all calculated.

  3. Everything I’ve seen suggests that this is going to be a very quirky and situational machine so they’ve decided to use it to sell people on playing nationalities of tanks they haven’t played before.

  4. I hope missions will be hard, but not impossible for 51% wr and lately 1600 wn8 player 😀

  5. Well I’m actually pleasantly surprised. I did not see that coming considering it’s a new premium for a new nation.

  6. 1st mission tomorrow is to get a high caliber on tier X, OR get 5000 xp in any number of battles, but be top 10 on xp in your team. Cheers!

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