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Special: Exchange Blueprints for In-Game Goods

From March 12 until March 22, you will be able to exchange surplus blueprints fragments for valuable items.

How does it work?

The Blueprint exchange for in-game items will open its gates in your Garage. Head to the “STORE” and click on the “BEST” tab. Transactions are similar to the exchange for a research discount. Once the special shop is available, use the interface to select the blueprint fragments that you would like to trade-in and choose your desired reward.

Keep in mind that you cannot mix National Blueprints and that the stock of certain items will be limited per account.

What can you get?

National blueprint fragments can be exchanged for crew books, well-trained new crew members, and two 3D styles.

Universal blueprint fragments can be exchanged for universal and personal crew books, various 2D styles, and World of Tanks Premium account time.

Crew BooksCrew MembersCustomizationsPremium Account
Training Booklet

(20,000 XP to every crew member)

4 National blueprint fragmentsUnlimited
Training Guide

(100,000 XP to every crew member)

10 National blueprint fragments2 per nation per account
Universal Manual

(250,000 XP to every crew member)

60 Universal blueprint fragments4 per account
Personal Training Manual

(850,000 XP to selected crew member)

60 Universal blueprint fragments1 per account
Crew member with 100% training and enough XP for 1 perk/skill

(locked to a specific nation determined by the blueprint fragments)

20 National blueprint fragments5 per nation per account
Crew member with 100% training, ‘Brothers in Arms’ as 0-perk, and enough XP for 1 perk/skill

(locked to a specific nation determined by the blueprint fragments)

40 National blueprint fragments5 per nation per account
2D style: “Ad Astra”50 Universal blueprint fragmentsUnlimited
2D style: “Ice Shelf”30 Universal blueprint fragmentsUnlimited
2D style: “Turn It Up!” (The Offspring)30 Universal blueprint fragmentsUnlimited
2D style: “Cold-weather Military Korean”30 Universal blueprint fragmentsUnlimited
2D style: “Day of the Dead”70 Universal blueprint fragmentsUnlimited
2D style: “Conquer the Stars” (Master of Orion)50 Universal blueprint fragmentsUnlimited
3D style: “Safari Corazzato”

(for Progetto M35 mod. 46)

50 Italy blueprint fragments1 per account
3D style: “Montu”

(for IS-3)

50 USSR blueprint fragments1 per account
1 day World of Tanks Premium account30 Universal blueprint fragments2 per account
3 days World of Tanks Premium account70 Universal blueprint fragments1 per account
7 days World of Tanks Premium account140 Universal blueprint fragments1 per account

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15,466 thoughts on “Special: Exchange Blueprints for In-Game Goods

  1. I have 230+ USA fragments, …… that’s a lot of training booklets 🙂 And the other nations are pretty full as well ( expect Italie ) But I’ll keep the czech ones, soon there will be a heavy line from them…….
    And 1500 univeral fragments convert into….. 1200 and some books 🙁

  2. spend all your blueprints to train your crews and then lose it all and have to convert when the new crew 2.0 rolls out……

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