Ladies and Gentlemen, with Update 12.2 is being added a new ship to the Research Bureau. One unlike any other...
Historical background Historically, Z-42 was a planned unit of the Typer 1936B destroyer of the German Kriegsmarine. The construction was...
Ladies and gentlemen, I salute you. With Update 0.11.9., we are getting a brand new U.S. cruiser, the Vallejo. The...
Historical background Monmouth is based on the same design of treaty cruisers-killer as Gibraltar. In 1938, the Director of Naval...
Mis amigos, the first Spanish premium destroyer is here! Álvaro de Bazán will be available with the release of Update...
Historical background The Tromp-class was a pair of flotilla leaders (Tromp and Jacob van Heemskerck), intended to lead a squadron...
Komrads! Exactly 9 months ago after the ship was announced, she is finally getting released! Sevastopol which went missing for...
Historical Background The Malta-class was a never built class of aircraft carriers from the Royal Navy. In total, four ships...
Soooo... yeah. Guess we are now on the next step with submarines. Even though the whole balancing of the ship...
Mein Kerle, it is time. The Mecklenburg, the new tier X German battleship will be available in the Armory for...