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Quick Update…

3 min read

Hello everyone,

Just a quick update, I’m sorry for not posting for the last couple of days, but as you are aware I’m currently in Portugal spending some time off with the family. Saturday was not a good day at all…

Flight was planned for 6:30 in the morning and the rest of the day was already planned for loads of activities with the family. At 5:30 as I arrive at the airport, me and my wife realized we forgot our Passports… Yeah, the main thing we couldn’t forget, after our daughter, and we did… It takes 1H30 to drive back to our house, that’s about 3 hours drive to go home and back to the airport, so we missed our flight.

Instead of raging or stressing out, I’ve quickly bought other tickets for later same day, this time 9PM. Only major negative: one way tickets costed more than the original return tickets… But what else could we do?

We had more than time to go back home, spend the day relaxing and we got back with everything this time, so at 7PM we arrived at Stansted Airport ready to wait two hours and be back home with our family around midnight… Oh boy, could I be more wrong…

As we got through security, I check the flight and its 2H30 delayed. Yes, the flight that was supposed to leave Stansted at 9PM, was rescheduled for 11:30PM, and what a wait it was… Both me and my wife sick with a massive cold, Matilde also sick with a cold… While my wife had some sleep during the day, I had none and was up since 3AM… So you can imagine how it was to wait for over four hours with a 8 month old baby at the airport and then be on a flight for over two hours…

Since we got here, Sunday was a big long day as it was Easter, but Monday and Tuesday I’ve been mega busy visiting my grandparents and other family. Everyday we have lunch in a different place and dinner is the same, while we try to see both our parents so they can be with Matilde as much as we possibly can allow… What was supposed to be a “relaxed time off from two weeks of hell at work”, its rapidly becoming another week of no relaxing time and more like living hell…

But what better hell than be with family? None. I wouldn’t give it away for nothing. So, if I’m not the first posting information, or if even takes me a few days to catch up, I’m sorry about it, but I’m enjoying what time I got with my family that’s what is important for me.

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15,466 thoughts on “Quick Update…

  1. In such moments, take your time without regrets – and honestly we also need some time off from you, all those news can be stressing, too 😛 (kidding) …

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